A n n u a l   E v e n t s

The head temple holds various events associated with memorial services for ancestors and festivals connected with the Buddha and his teachings. Among them, the following are the six main festivals for which a lot of followers visit the head temple to cultivate the mind of thanking and repaying.

Six Main Festivals


【 First Visit of the Year 】
   from January 1 to 15 (Matsunouchi)
【 Nirvana Day 】February 15
【 Avalokitesvara Day 】 March 22
【 Birth Anniversary of Lord Buddha 】April 8
【 Ksitigarbha Day 】August 24
【 Enlightenment Day 】December 8

Summer Camp

DSC_0168.jpgDSC_0168.jpgHeld every year in mid August
Every summer, nearly 5,000 children, their parents, and volunteers participate in summer camp. The spirit of the summer camp is to learn the teachings of Lord Buddha and moral principles in the midst of Mother Nature, and to develop thankfulness and deepen compassion while enjoying the company of other children.

Sunday School

IMG_8631b.JPGIMG_8631b.JPGSunday school is held once a month. Children learn the basic morals such as the Fourfold Kindness and proper manners. They also get various experiences including planting and harvesting rice in order to learn about the benefit of nature and be thankful to the foods.

Friendly contact with Neighbors

P1080864.JPGP1080864.JPGNenbutsushu Sampozan Muryojuji Temple values good relationship with the neighbors. Followers also practice the Buddhist way through undertaking volunteer activities in their communities, such as cleaning the nearby area including roads and ditches, raking up fallen leaves, or snow shoveling.
